MakerBLE — A Tiny nRF52840 Bluetooth Arduino Board

AMG8833 Thermal Camera (Infrared Array)
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $60.00


BLExAR is an integrated app that uses Bluetooth Low Energy to convert your Arduino Uno board into an iOS or Android-compatible device. BLExAR allows the smartphone user to control all digital and analog pins on an ATmega328 Arduino-based board using just a CC2541 (HM-10, AT-09, JDY-08, SH-M08) Bluetooth module. 

Some features include: Real-time control of all Arduino pins, data plotting in real-time, and raw communication using a terminal window.

The BLExAR app is intended for makers, students, and engineers interested in controlling their Arduino app whether for hobby or professional purposes. The app allows the user to interact with their Arduino board, but also receive data from sensors and so much more!


Purchase A BLExAR Kit to Follow Along with Tutorials

BLExAR RGB LED Dimmer Bundle BLExAR RGB LED Dimmer Bundle
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iPhone X_MockUp_data_receive.png