SAMD21 M0 Mini 32-bit, 48MHz Microcontroller
SAMD21 M0 Mini 32-bit, 48MHz Microcontroller
Included in Package:
SAMD21 M0 Mini 32-bit Microcontroller
Solder Pins
The SAMD21 core is a 32-bit microcontroller that will likely replace the traditional ATmega328 (8-bit microcontroller) over time. The SAMD21 core boasts 48MHz clock speeds in contrast to the 20MHz ATmega boards, while also being fully-compatible with many of the capabilities of the Arduino platform. The SAMD21 boards incorporate a multitude of upgrades including: higher analog-to-digital resolution (12-bit over 10-bit), 10-bit digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), an on-board USB converter (compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux), a two channel I2S interface, and much more! The SAMD21 is also compatible with many of the sensor libraries in Arduino that function with I2C communication, SPI communication, and other serial communications - which is essential for introducing the SAMD21 as an upgraded Arduino board used in conjunction with the myriad of examples and applications already available on the platform.
Features of SAMD21 M0 Mini:
5V USB Power Input
3.3V, 180mA I/O Ratings
48MHz clock frequency
25 GPIO pins
12 PWM pins
6 12-bit analog I/O pins
1 Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
32-bit ARM Cortex® M0+ core
I2C, SPI, I2S compatible
Widely compatible with the Arduino platform