TinyBlueX Module (ATtiny85 + Bluetooth)

TinyBlueX Module (ATtiny85 + Bluetooth)


The TinyBlueX is a combination module that contains an ATtiny85 microcontroller and CC254x Bluetooth Low Energy chip that is compatible with Arduino and the BLExAR iOS app. The TinyBlueX is very low power and low profile, which makes it great for simple internet of things (IoT) applications. The TinyBlueX can read sensors and transmit the data back to an iOS device. The TinyBlueX can also be controlled using the BLExAR app to turn LEDs, motors, and actuators on and off using the ATtiny’s GPIO pins. Pins 2,3,7 are available on the module, allowing the user to control/read up to three different devices or sensors.

Included with the TinyBlueX Module:

  • 1x TinyBlueX Module

  • 1x ATtiny85 Microcontroller

  • 1x CC254x Bluetooth Low Energy Module

  • 8x Female-to-Male Jumper Wires

Features of the TinyBlueX Module:

  • Dimensions: 56mm x 35mm x 18mm (Assembled)

  • Arduino IDE Compatible (Arduino as ISP Required)

  • Removable ATtiny85 Microcontroller and BLE Module

  • 3.6V - 5.5V Supply Voltage Range

  • Bluetooth Low Energy Communication

  • Compatible with BLExAR iOS App

  • 3x Analog Input Pins (10-bit) [Pins 2,3,7]

  • 3x General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Pins [Pins 2,3,7]

  • 1x External Interrupt Pin [Pin 7]

  • 0MHz - 10MHz @ 3.6V-5.5V, 0MHz - 20MHz @ 4.5V - 5.5V

  • Low Power Modes with Watchdog Timer

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